Shelters, Domestic Violence, and Homelessness Resources
This list is for information purposes. The Treehouse does not endorse any of the following programs.
Heading Home: (see
Westside Emergency Housing Ctr (adult Men & Women) The Center is open 24/7 under COVID (3 meals/day) Pickups for individuals: Coronado Park (2-7 pm 7 days/wk)
God’s Warehouse (5:30pm 7 days), HopeWorks, Sun-Fri 5:30), Steelbridge, 2021 2nd St NW (north of I-40) – only women & phys. disabled (Sat-Fri: 4, 5 & 7:30); these parks (4 pm 7 days/wk): Phil Chacon, Jack & Jill, Wilson; First Nations clinic (4:45 pm) Families may or may not be allowed to stay due to COVID-19 & should call 595-6547 to find out & ask about a motel room
AOC Men’s Shelter (no walk-ins), 715 Candelaria NE
--call 8:30 am (M-F) or 9:30 am (Sat/Sun)............................. 505-344-4340
Barrett House (women & children -- boys under 18)
--call 8:00 am or later (may be a waitlist).............................. 505-243-4887
Joy Junction (women & families (1 or 2 parent), limited # of men)
--4500 2nd St. SW (call to find out if open)........................ 505-877-6967
Youth Shelters (or Youth Drop-In)*
*NOTE: look for * for young people’s services
Amistad, ages 12–17 (24 hours)................................................ 505-877-0371
New Day, ages 11–17 (24 hours)............................................... 505-938-1060
Casa Q (for LGBTQ+ youth ages 14-17)................................. 505-872-2099
Harbour Drop-In (14-21) (Tu-F 9am-7pm) 126 Gen. Chennault NE
Domestic Violence Shelters (call 24/7)
Safe House (in Albuquerque)................................................................................ 505-247-4219
Haven House (in Rio Rancho)............................................................................. 505-896-4869
Valencia Shelter for DV (in Valencia County)................................................ 505-864-1383
Meal Sites
HopeWorks, 1201 3rd St. NW …………………… 505-764-8231 x2 Mon-Fri: Breakfast (9-10 am); Lunch (12-1 pm); Dinner (5-6 pm) Sat: Dinner (5-6 pm); Sun: Meal to go (10:30-11:30 am)
--Note: campus is open Sat (2:30-6:30 pm) and Sun (7-11 am)
The Rock at Noon Day, 2400 2nd St. NW
Tues-Fri and Sun: Lunch (12-12:30); Sun (11:30)
Albuquerque Indian Center, 105 Texas SE........................ 505-268-1751
Mon thru Fri: Breakfast (9:00-10:00); Lunch (noon-1:00)
Good Shepherd Center, 218 Iron SW …..…505-243-2527 x100
Mon thru Fri: Dinner (3-4pm); Sat: Lunch (11:30 am)
All Nations Wellness & Healing Center, 6416 Zuni SE Mon to Fri: Breakfast (7:30-9:00); Lunch (12-1:30) 505-717-2704
God’s Warehouse, 8011 Central NE (Tennessee)
Tues and Fri: 3-6:30 pm hot meal (+ cold meal to go); clothing Sat: 8 pm hot meal (7pm church) Sun hot meal (after 5pm church) Pastor Chuck: 505-234-4251 (answers calls M-F 8-5 only)
Family Services
Childcare Finder: or call…1-800-691-9067 Title I (APS program for homeless students) …. 505-256-8239 x0
Cuidando los Ninos (CLN) homeless child care ……. 505-843-6899
(for ages 6 weeks to pre-K)
MCH Family Outreach (case management)............................. 505-255-8740
WIC sign-up (prenatal care + nutritious food) ……. 505-841-8929 x4
Kinship Navigator (Pegasus Law) 1-855-546-1212 (855- KIN-1212)
(for grandparents and other relatives raising children)
PB&J Family Services............................................................ 505-877-7060
NAPPR (Native American families) 505-345-6289
YDI (childcare & youth programs)........................... 505-352-3444
PB&J Family Services........................................................... 505-877-7060
Wings for L.I.F.E. Int’l (families of incarcerated & RC)..................................505-291-6412
Family Promise (homeless parents—transitional Housing—may be a waitlist).................................................................................... 505-268-0331
Immigrant and Refugee Services
Lutheran Family Services……………………...…505-933-7032
Catholic Charities (including DACA)…..................505-724-4670
NM Immigrant Law Center……………….......……505-247-1023
First Nations Zuni Clinic 5608 Zuni Road SE ….….505-262-2481 --all immigrants can walk in or call
Encuentro NM ………………………………………….505-247-2920
Asian Family Center …………………………………505-717-2877
Food Assistance
Storehouse, 106 Broadway SE (W-Sat 9-12)................... 505-842-6491
Rio Grande Food Project 600 Coors SW (M/W/F/Sat) 505-831-3778 Salvation Army, 4301 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE …..…… 505-872-1171, x2 Meals on Wheels................................................................................................ 505-823-8060
City of ABQ Dept. of Senior Affairs (60+)........................ 505-764-6400
Silver Horizons (50+) (food, utilities)......................... 505-884-3881
Roadrunner Food Bank ( or call.......................... 505-349-5340
Housing Coordinated Entry (NMCEH)................................ 505-217-9570
HUD Subsidized/Tax Credit housing: Albuquerque Housing Authority ( 505-764-3920
--1840 University SE
Bernalillo County Housing Dept. (
--1900 Bridge SW............................................... 505-314-0200
Veteran Integration Center (VIC), 13032 Central SE .........505-265-0512
Therapeutic Living Services (TLS)-mental illness............. 505-268-5295
Goodwill Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Apply at……. 881-6401 x1842
Transitional Housing
Oxford Houses (sober living) (men & women) … 575-224-9711 Good Shepherd Center Fresh Start 6+mo. Substance Use Recovery Program (male or male presenting) 505-243-2527 x202 Salvation Army Men’s Rehab Program 505-242-3112
Steelbridge residential programs (Bible-based, men & women)
--214 Coal SW (call first M-F 8:30-4:30)..................................... 505-346-4673
Legal Assistance
NM Legal Aid (civil matters only)................................. 1-833-545-4357
Public Defender, 505 Marquette NW (Compass Bank).............................. 505-369-3600
Metro Court (ext. 1 for warrant status)........................................ 505-841-8151
Outreach Court (homeless only--misdemeanors)....................... 505-273-1105
Medical, Mental Health and Recovery
Victims of Violence
Family Advocacy Center (FAC) – any violence, inc. stalking
--625 Silver SW (2nd floor) – calls taken........................... 505-243-2333
Domestic Violence Resource Center (in FAC)
-- (M-F 8-5, appointment only, but call 24/7)........................ 505-248-3165
National DV phone no. (24 hours)............................. 1-800-799-7233
Rape Crisis Center (2 offices -- one is in Family Advocacy Ctr)
--625 Silver SW (2nd flr) - call first (M-F 8-5)........................... 505-266-7712
--Rape Crisis Center’s 24/7 hotline............................. 505-266-7711
Enlace Comunitario (DV-Espanol)...................................... 505-246-8972
Casa Forteleza (sexual violence).......................................... 505-910-4031
StrongHearts Native Helpline
--(native women) (6 am - 9 pm).................................. 1-844-762-8483
First Nations (FNCH) programs: DV 262-6043
--Human Trafficking.... (705-3356); Sex Trafficking..... 505-375-8518
--VOCA (for all other victims of crime)------------ 505-375-8514
Street Safe NM (sex trafficked women).................... 505-999-1393
Life Link trafficking hotline: 505-GET-FREE (505-438-3733)
victims of trafficking call or text (& info for general public)
Other Crisis Hotlines/Helplines
Poison Center/Medication Info.................................... 1-800-222-1222
NMCAL Crisis Line 24/7 (therapist)................................. 1-855-662-7474
NMCAL Warm Line (peer support).................................. 1-855-466-7100
----------Call 3:30-11:30 pm 7 days/week; or text 6-11 pm
(Download NMConnect app for easy access to NMCAL)
Agora 24/7 Crisis Line............................................................... 505-277-3013
National Suicide Prevention Hotline............................. 1-800-273-8255
Veterans Crisis Line …………………...… 1-800 273-8255, x1
Adult Abuse/Neglect Hotline.................................................... 505-476-4912
Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline (CYFD) …1-855-333-SAFE(7233)
ABQ Dept. of Senior Affairs info line............................. 505-764-6400
Aging & Disability Resource Ctr (NMALTSD) 1-800-432-2080
Equality New Mexico (LGBTQ advocacy: 505-224-2766
****CALL 311 for info about any City of ABQ services****
City of Albuquerque Health & Social Services Centers (HSSC) – one in each quadrant of ABQ
Community Centers
Alamosa Center, 6900 Gonzales SW..................................... 505-836-8807
Los Griegos Center, 1231 Candelaria NW............................ 505-761-4050
John Marshall Center, 1500 Walter SE................................ 505-848-1345
East Central Center, 7525 Zuni SE........................................ 505-767-5700
Food (walk-in) (call 311 to find out which center serves your residential address)
Clothing & diapers only at these centers: Los Griegos and East Central (available to anyone in Albuquerque regardless of address, but call for appointment)
Rent & utility assistance (call 311 to find out which center serves your residential address,, then call ctr for screening)
See for listing of on-site agencies at each center (appt only now)